nitric acid v italijanskem slovarju Oxford-Paravia

Prevodi za nitric acid v slovarju angleščina»italijanščina

nitric acid v slovarju PONS

Prevodi za nitric acid v slovarju angleščina»italijanščina

Prevodi za nitric acid v slovarju angleščina»italijanščina

Enojezični primeri (nepregledani od uredništva PONS)

It also reacts with concentrated nitric acid, producing cyanuric acid.
If the nitrous acid is not then used up quickly, it decomposes into nitric oxide and nitric acid.
Concentration of nitric acid is reduced from 30% in the feed to 15 ppm in the cake produced.
For a time, the site also produced nylon and nitric acid.
In both cases, the targets are subjected to a chemical treatment, including dissolution in nitric acid to extract the plutonium-238.
Most copper alloys are pickled in dilute sulfuric acid, but brass is pickled in concentrated sulfuric and nitric acid mixed with sodium chloride and soot.
It also can be made by mixing nitric acid with ammonium perchlorate.
It has a metallic conductivity, is slightly soluble in hydrochloric acid and decomposes in nitric acid.
Arsenic is attacked by nitric acid and concentrated sulfuric acid.
Large quantities of these acids especially sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and hydrochloric acid are manufactured for commercial use in large plants.

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