pouch v slovarju Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Prevodi za pouch v slovarju angleščina»španščina (Skoči na španščina»angleščina)

Prevodi za pouch v slovarju španščina»angleščina (Skoči na angleščina»španščina)

pouch v slovarju PONS

Prevodi za pouch v slovarju angleščina»španščina (Skoči na španščina»angleščina)

Prevodi za pouch v slovarju španščina»angleščina (Skoči na angleščina»španščina)

pouch Primeri iz slovarja PONS (uredniško pregledani).

tobacco pouch
petaca ž. spol
ameriška angleščina

Enojezični primeri (nepregledani od uredništva PONS)

They have a distinct glandular pouch on the throat.
Once in the pouch, it fastens onto one of the four teats and starts to feed.
The gestation period for a pregnant female is around 13 days, with a pouch period of 67 months.
Once in the pouch, it fastens onto one of the two teats and starts to feed.
Females also call, but lack the air pouches and enlarged larynx of the male, producing only a feeble imitation.
Weight loss is predominantly due to the restriction of nutrient intake that is created by the small gastric pouch and the narrow outlet.
They will first leave the pouch and feed on their own at 28 weeks.
Backwards facing pouches would not work well in kangaroos or opossums as their young would readily fall out.
The gastric bypass pouch is usually formed from the part of the stomach which is least susceptible to stretching.
He surprises her with a pouch that will make her appear pregnant.

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