tombstone v slovarju Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Prevodi za tombstone v slovarju angleščina»španščina (Skoči na španščina»angleščina)

Prevodi za tombstone v slovarju španščina»angleščina (Skoči na angleščina»španščina)

tombstone v slovarju PONS

Prevodi za tombstone v slovarju angleščina»španščina

ameriška angleščina

Enojezični primeri (nepregledani od uredništva PONS)

It contains more than 3850 tombstones and covers an area of 31160 square meters.
The little cemetery with new tombstones was on a little hill above fields that were ripe for harvest.
The tombstone, created for the choir in 1552 and put up there, was moved to its current position in 1901.
Six more tombstones are inside the entrance building.
This historical village has an ancient graveyard with tombstones, unusually, engraved with ornamental figures.
An unmarked tombstone in an undisclosed location marks the final burial location.
One source gives 18701975 as his dates of birth and death, possibly based on his tombstone in his home village.
However, it has been estimated that there are approximately 12,000 tombstones presently visible, and there may be as many as 100,000 burials in all.
It is unknown whether his grave was marked with a tombstone.
The museum once housed over one thousand tombstone figures or images representing human beings.

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