peers v slovarju Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

Prevodi za peers v slovarju angleščina»francoščina (Skoči na francoščina»angleščina)

I.peer [brit. angl. pɪə, am. angl. pɪr] SAM.

peer-to-peer [brit. angl., am. angl. ˌpɪr tu ˈpɪr] PRID.

1. peer group (of same status):

pairs m. spol mn.
Individual translation pairs
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Prevodi za peers v slovarju francoščina»angleščina (Skoči na angleščina»francoščina)

peers v slovarju PONS

peers iz slovarja « Intégration et égalité des chances » nemško-francoske mladinske zveze

Prevodi za peers v slovarju francoščina»angleščina

britanska angleščina

Enojezični primeri (nepregledani od uredništva PONS)

Immoderate drinkers who worked out had far more white matter than their sedentary peers.
John, still in the barn, peers through the doors to see a firing squad on the other side.
By permitting each downloader to download only specific parts of the files listed in a torrent, it equips peers to begin seeding sooner.
Proficient planters, held in high regard by their peers, often exercised significant political clout in colonial governments.
Then there were the three peers who gave time to journalists spinning another yarn about easy money and expensive freebies.
This is because children who fall behind in reading would read less, increasing the gap between them and their peers.
Students will have an opportunity to collaborate with peers and experts in the industry through blogs, social media and video conferencing.
Some peers attempted to have her peerage cancelled due to the unprecedented use of the same place name in two separate peerages for separate people.
With client-specific content and conversations in one place, outsiders looking in can easily pick up where their peers left off and take action immediately.
Many of them felt the need for having means to get reconnected to their peers after leaving schools.

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