complementarity v slovarju Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

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The concept of fractional complementarity argues that a man and woman each make up a part of a person.
The inverse of elasticity of complementarity is elasticity of substitution.
This way complementarity plays here a significant role when it comes to teaching academic and music subjects.
The medium term objective is strengthening of economic and social cohesion by integrating regional economic complementarities.
The merging of the institutions was achieved following a geographical logic because of the high complementarity between them and their location in the same city.
This legitimate complementarity, provided it does not become rigid, does not affect the identity of faith in the reality of the same mystery confessed.
It has been applied to linear-fractional programming quadratic-programming problems, and linear complementarity problems.
He was also among the first scientists to postulate that the binding of antibodies to antigens would be due to a complementarity between their structures.
Since then the study of complementarity problems and variational inequalities has expanded enormously.
This complementarity draws them together in a mutually loving union.

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