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Prevodi za faerie v slovarju angleško » nemški

(Skoči na nemško » angleški)

faerie, faery SAM.

Geslo uporabnika
faerie, faery (fairy)
Fee ž. spol
faerie, faery (elf)
Elfe ž. spol

Enojezični primeri (nepregledani od uredništva PONS)

A changeling child was believed to be a faerie child that had been left in place of a human child stolen by the faeries.
She appears initially as a beautiful woman, but this is the result of her faerie glamour.
Humans are stolen by malicious or inscrutable faerie lords, transformed into fae creatures, and then escaped back to our world.
Magnus also discovered a worrying problem: a disorder in purebred faerie blood meant that it was extremely difficult for them to produce children naturally.

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