angleško » slovenski

I . scale1 [skeɪl] SAM.

1. scale (on skin):

luska ž. spol

II . scale1 [skeɪl] GLAG. preh. glag.

1. scale (remove scales):

ostrgavati [dov. obl. ostrgati luske]

2. scale (remove tartar):

III . scale1 [skeɪl] GLAG. nepreh. glag.

scale2 [skeɪl] SAM.

2. scale ASTROL.:

the scales mn.
tehtnica ž. spol

I . scale3 [skeɪl] SAM.

1. scale (system of gradation):

lestvica ž. spol
skala ž. spol
merilo n

2. scale no mn. building, drawing:

3. scale (relative degree/extent):

obseg m. spol

4. scale no mn. (size):

velikost ž. spol

5. scale GLAS.:

[glasbena] lestvica ž. spol

II . scale3 [skeɪl] GLAG. preh. glag.

1. scale (climb):

plezati na [dov. obl. splezati na]

2. scale:

scale TEH., ARHIT.
risati [dov. obl. narisati v merilu]
izdelovati [dov. obl. izdelati v merilu]

ˈfull-scale PRID.

1. full-scale (original size):

2. full-scale (all-out):

ˈlarge-scale PRID. esp atribut.

2. large-scale (made large):

ˈsala·ry scale SAM.

scale ˈdraw·ing SAM.

risba ž. spol v merilu

scale ˈmod·el SAM.

maketa ž. spol v merilu

slid·ing ˈscale SAM. FINAN.

ˈsmall-scale <smaller-, smallest-> PRID.

ˈtime scale SAM.

ˈwage scale SAM.

whole-tone ˈscale SAM.

Enojezični primeri (nepregledani od uredništva PONS)

Some technologies can have exponential scaling if used in isolation, making the effect of combinations be of counter-intuitive magnitude.
Ended up scaling the tallboy while holding chandelier.
After 15 months, he escaped by scaling a prison wall and leaping on to the roof of a furniture van.
Some third party magnification software compensates for this effect by applying scaling filters to the enlarged image.
Direct scaling can not be used to determine if a taste stimulus is being perceived at abnormal levels.
This can be seen in roughness characterized by scaling and dryness, itchiness, dermatitis provoked by microorganisms and allergens penetrating the corneal layer and redness.
Instead, he s managed to transcend his previous efforts via the scaling up the sonics and simply maintaining the quality of this excellent record.
This will reduce efflorescence, spalling and scaling that can occur from water being trapped inside the brick substrate and freezing during cold weather.
Due to scaling, the areas of the nonane peak appear to have different areas, but in reality the areas are identical.
Because probes wear out, and because the auto-sensing circuitry is not compatible between different makes of oscilloscope, auto-sensing probe scaling is not foolproof.

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